Our Story
Are you tired of the anger, fear, and constant stress of today’s politics?
Do you see it affecting relationships, family, and community?
Are you concerned about where the country is headed?
If so, you've come to the right place.
The Braver Angels Alliance of Wilmington was started by a small group of individuals who feel the same way.
Politics in America have become personal.
Many believe that people on the "other side" are untrustworthy, immoral, and even dangerous.
The news, social media, and politicians often promote these ideas and divide Americans even further.
We view this political polarization as the primary problem of the day, threatening the stability of our democracy and our nation's ability to solve the challenges we face.
We love our country and believe that America can only live up to its great potential if we stand united.
But there is hope.
Braver Angels has shown that political polarization can be conquered one conversation at a time.
When people with differing politics share their views and values face-to-face, they discover that we have much more in common than what divides us.
Our local alliance is part of a national, nonprofit organization with a mission to bridge the political divide. We give people from across the political spectrum a chance to get to know each other. We exchange ideas respectfully, hone our communication skills, and listen to others' perspectives even when we don't agree with them.
And it's working.
In just a short time, we've seen Wilmington conservatives, liberals, and independents beginning to understand each other, find common ground, and call each other "friend".
When we turn down the rancor, we realize that common stereotypes don't hold up. We are able to work together, and find collaborative solutions to get things done.
After attending a Braver Angels workshop, 86% of participants feel they better understand the other side.
After attending a Braver Angels workshop, 71% of participants feel better understood by the other side.
After attending a Braver Angels workshop, 81% of participants feel better prepared to apply the skills.
Skeptical that it works? We were too, at first.
We wondered:
“How can conservatives, liberals, and independents get together in a room without having a shouting match?”
“There must be some underlying political agenda. They must be trying to convert us.”
“Is it possible to find any common ground when our beliefs are so different?
“There's no way this will help me reconnect with the friend I lost over politics.”
We participated and our doubts disappeared.
We found people from all walks of life discussing and debating issues respectfully.
We found an organization dedicated to helping us build the skills we need to communicate better with people who differ from us politically.
We found that we did indeed have more in common than what divides us.
We found conservatives, liberals, and independents who love our country working side-by-side to hold America together. (At Braver Angels, leadership positions have an equal number of Conservatives and Liberals, as well as many Independents.)
We found real friendships forming across the political spectrum -- and hope for reconnecting with friends we've lost due to political differences.
And we're not alone.
Across the country, over 24,000 people have participated in Braver Angels workshops, debates, 1:1 conversations, town halls and online discussions, gaining the skills they seek to better understand the other side, and be understood.
Don't take our word for it.
We invite you to participate in a discussion group or moderated workshop, volunteer with us, or come out for a social event and see for yourself. We think, like us, you'll find that we can bridge the political divide, exchange ideas respectfully, and move forward together.